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Funded by: the European Community, 7th Framework Programme

Partners: Institute of Cognitive Science and Technology - CNR - Roma (Italy), Università Campus Bio-Medico (Italy), University of Sheffield (UK), Goethe University (Germany), University of Ulster (UK), Aberystwyth University (UK), Istituto Dalle Molle per l’Intelligenza Artificiale (Switzerland)

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Description: IM-CLeVeR aims to develop a new methodology for designing robots that can cumulatively learn new efficient skills through autonomous development based on intrinsic motivations, and reuse such skills for accomplishing multiple, complex, and externally-assigned tasks.

IM-CLeVeR aims to develop a new methodology for designing robots that can cumulatively learn new efficient skills through autonomous development based on intrinsic motivations, and reuse such skills for accomplishing multiple, complex, and externally-assigned tasks. During skill-acquisition, the robots will behave like children at play who acquire skills autonomously on the basis of “intrinsic motivations”. During skill-exploitation, the robots will exhibit fast learning capabilities and a high versatility in solving tasks defined by external users due to their capacity of flexibly re-using, composing and readapting previously acquired skills. This overall goal is pursued investigating three fundamental scientific and technological issues: the mechanisms of abstraction of sensory information; the mechanisms underlying intrinsic motivations (e.g. curiosity drives); hierarchical recursive architectures which permit cumulative learning. The study of these issues is also fuelled by a reverse-engineering effort aiming at reproducing with bio-mimetic models the results of empirical experiments run with monkeys, children, and human adults thanks to the collaboration of an interdisciplinary consortium involving leading international neuroscientists, psychologists, primatologists, roboticists and machine-learning researchers.

ico Bullet Scientific publications

bandiera italia IM-CleVeR: creare un robot che impara come un bambino


Unit of Cognitive Primatology - tutte le immagini del sito sono protette da copyright 
Unit of Cognitive Primatology: all images are copyrighted