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Dear All,

we are thrilled to invite you to the 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting, which will take place in Rome (Italy) from 25th to 28th August 2015. 

The conference will be organized by the Science Department of Roma Tre University, in association with the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (National Research Council, Rome) and the Italian Primatological Association. 

“Simia docet”, literally “the monkey teaches”, is the inscription in the EFP 2015 logo. There are plenty of things to be learned from studying non-human primates. The tails curling around a capital, typical of ancient Roman architecture, belong to capuchin monkeys well known also for being destructive foragers. However, capuchins have not destroyed their environment, whereas humans often did, and still do. Primates can actually teach us much more than preserving the environment: for example, the use of new medicinal plants or raising our children in a more natural way. Studying them is crucial to understand what made us humans. 

The 6th European Federation for Primatology meeting aims at sharing knowledge about primates, by addressing a broad range of topics, ranging from conservation biology, cognition and behavioural ecology to physiology, functional morphology and molecular biology. This conference will be a chance to develop a network that will enable European primatologists to implement multidisciplinary and co-operative research activities. We especially encourage contributions from junior scientists, and will be offering attractive student fees. We believe that young primates are our future. 

The EFP 2015 meeting will take place at the Science Department of Roma Tre University together with the XXII Italian Association of Primatology Meeting. 

Rome can be easily reached by air or railway from all over the world The Science Department is 10 minute walking from the subway which also takes you to the ancient Rome in 15 minutes. There is a range of hotels, B&B, hostels, restaurants and pubs both close to the Science Department or easy to reach by subway.

More details are available at the congress website: 

We hope that you will join us for the EFP 2015 meeting and look forward to seeing you in our beautiful Rome this coming August. 

Kind regards, 

Monica Carosi (Roma Tre University)
Chair of the EFP 2015 Organising Committee
Elisabetta Visalberghi (CNR)
Chair of the EFP 2015 Scientific Committee

Unit of Cognitive Primatology - tutte le immagini del sito sono protette da copyright 
Unit of Cognitive Primatology: all images are copyrighted